The total stress transferred from the
underside of a foundation to the soil below. Units: kPa
Rock underlying surface deposits of soil and weathered or broken rock; usually material which is so stiff and strong that it is easily able to carry foundation loads.
bouldersSoil grains over 200mm in size.
British Soil Classification SystemA system of classification based on size, consistency and structure, set out in BS 5930:1981 Site Investigation.
bulk density (r)The total mass of soil particles and water contained in a unit volume of soil. Units: Mg/m³
r = (Ms + Mw) / V
Ms = mass of soil grains
Mw = mass of water
V = total volume.
The ratio of a change in applied mean
normal effective stress to the resulting change in volumetric
strain. Units: kPa
The total weight of soil grains and
water in a unit volume of soil. Units: kN/m³