A layer or stratum or soil from which pore water may drain only upward or only downward into either an overlying or an underlying permeable layer, thus enabling ‘one-way drainage’; drainage path length = layer thickness.
The maximum stress to which an overconsolidated soil has be subjected in the past:
s´m = historical maximum normal effective stress
p´m = historical maximum mean normal effective stress
s´vm = historical maximum vertical effective stress
= preconsolidation stress
Strain measured in horizontal direction.
horizontal stress (sh, s'h)Total or effective stress acting in a horizontal direction.
Hvorslev surface
Named after Prof. M.J.Hvorslev, that part of the state boundary surface
corresponding to peak states and lying on the dry side of critical states.
Between two points in a hydraulic
flow: the difference in total head divided by the length of flow path.
i = Dh / Ds.
The pressure developed at a depth (z) below the surface of a liquid; it acts equally in all directions.
u = z . gw
The thrust produced on a given surface by body of water.