The relationship between void ratio
(or specific volume) and (mean) normal effective stress for soil loaded beyond
the current yield stress in one-dimensional (or isotropic) compression.
acting normal to the plane of reference. Units: kN, N or MN. normal strain (en)Direct strain
acting normal to the plane of reference. normal stress (s, s')Stress
acting normal to the plane of reference. Units: kPa, kN/mē normalisationAnalysis of soil test data to compensate for different states of samples.
normalising parameters (p'c p'e s'c s'e)(Also equivalent stresses) Parameters used in the normalisation of shear test results: a stress value on either the CSL or NCL having the same specific volume or void ratio value as the current state value.
normally consolidated soilSoil having a current state which lies on the normal compression line:
· current normal effective stress equals current yield stress
· overconsolidation ratio Ro = 1
· generally: "current stress equals maximum stress in the past"