Cracks appearing at the surface of a soil mass; often occur adjacent to a retaining wall or top of a slope, where they influence the stability analysis.
The depth to which tension cracks extend from the surface and at which the horizontal effective stress is zero.
A dimensionless quantity used in consolidation analyses.
cv = coefficient of consolidation,
t = time,
d = drainage path length
(Also potential) The height of the (notional or real) free water surface above a given datum. Units: m
total head = elevation head + pressure head
h = hz + hw
The stress acting on or in a soil mass; due to overlying weight, surcharges, etc.
total stress = effective stress + pore pressure
s = s' + u
A strain parameter used in the interpretation of triaxial test results.
The strength of soil at zero effective stress. In unbonded soils, true cohesion forces are very small (probably < 3 kPa); for the vast majority of unbonded natural soils true cohesion forces may be ignored; in bonded soils and soft rocks, true cohesion arises from the strength and quantity of material binding the grains together.