
Movement involves shear displacement along one or more surfaces, or within a relatively narrow zone, which are visible or may reasonably be inferred. Two subgroups are identified as:

A. Rotational
Where movement results from forces that cause a turning moment about a point above the centre of gravity of the unit. The surface of rupture concaves upwards.

B. Translational
Where movement occurs predominantly along more or less planar or gently undulatory surfaces. Movement is frequently, structurally controlled by discontinuities and variations in shear strength between layers of bedded deposits, or by the contact between firm bedrock and overlying detritus.


back to Slope stability

Analysis of translational slip

Translational or infinite slope movement predominantly occurs along more or less planar or gently undulatory surfaces. Displacement is frequently, structurally controlled by discontinuities and variations in shear strength between layers of bedded deposits, or by the contact between firm bedrock and overlying detritus.

See also the case studies:

  • Shallow slab slide
  • Quick clay slide


    back to Analysis of translational slip

    Drained soil with zero flow

    In this case, the soil cohesion is zero, and the slope is dry or fully submerged, so no ground water seepage occurs to generate pore water pressures.
    (In the general equation c' = 0 and m = 0.)

    The Factor of Safety against slip reduces to:

    Note that the factor of safety is independent of the mass of the soil, the length of the slip and the depth of the slip surface. The limiting condition occurs when the slope angle (b) has the same magnitude as the angle of friction (f').


    back to Drained soil with zero flow

    Derivation: Drained soil with zero flow


    Analysis of translational slip

    Drained soil with parallel flow

    In this case, the soil cohesion is zero, and there is flow parallel to and coincident with the ground surface.
    (In the general equation, c' = 0 and m = 1.)

    The factor of safety against slip reduces to:

    Note that the factor of safety is independent of the length of the slip and the depth of the slip surface. Because, in this case, the factor of safety is dependent upon the mass of the soil, the maximum slope angle (bmax) has a magnitude significantly lower than the angle of friction (f').

    gs = effective unit weight of soil
    gs = unit weight of saturated soil


    back to Analysis of translational slip

    General equation

    A translational slip analysis may be used for slip surfaces with small depth / length ratios.
    This allows the end effects to be neglected.

    For a potential slip surface in any soil, the factor of safety against slip is given by:


    back to General equation

    Derivation of general equation

    The factor of safety against slip is defined in terms of the ratio of this maximum shear strength to the disturbing shear stress:

    Ignoring any side forces acting on the elements, the stress conditions will be identical at every point along the slip surface. Therefore the maximum shear strength is given by the Mohr-Coulomb equation:

    and the stresses are determined by resolving the load due to an element.


    back to Derivation of ordinary equation

    Stresses along the slip surface

    Given that the soil is saturated below the phreatic surface,

    Resolving W into components parallel and perpendicular to the slip plane and converting to a stress, gives


    back to Derivation of General Equation

    Pore pressure

    From a consideration of the flownet, the pore water pressure at the slip surface is


    Analysis of translational slip

    Stability of vertical cuts

    It is impossible to make a vertical cut in a drained soil - this is easily demonstrated by the use of dry sand. In soils which are undrained, however, a vertical cut can be made since the negative pore pressures set up by the unloading due to the excavation will generate positive effective stresses.

    If there is no tension crack present, the theoretical height of the cut is given by:
    H = (4 su / g)
    If a tension crack is anticipated, its theoretical value, h, is (2su / g), giving a maximum height of cut as
    H = (2su / g)

    We should note that even if H is kept smaller than these theoretical values, local over stressing may occur near the base of the cut. As H increases towards the theoretical maximum value, the plastic zones extend, and significant deformations will take place.
    g = unit weight of soil

    su = undrained strength of soil


    Stability of vertical cuts

    Derivation: stability of vertical cuts

    Consider the vertical cut of height H shown in the figure. Assume that the soil is undrained and the strength can be represented by: t = su.

    Consider the collapse mechanism shown, where failure occurs along the plane surface AB, inclined at q to the horizontal. BC represents a vertical tension crack of depth h. The mass of soil represented by ABCD is in equilibrium under the action of 3 forces, namely:
    W = weight of ABCD,
    S = shear strength along BC,
    R = normal reaction on BC.

    From the triangle of forces
    W = R cosq + S sinq
    R sinq = S cosq
    W = 0.5g(H - h) (H+h) cotq
    S = su.AB
    AB = (H-h) cosecq
    Eliminating R from these equations and substituting for W and S gives:
    H = (4su/g) - h
    If there is no tension crack, i.e. h = 0, then,
    H = (4su/g)
    The theoretical value of h is (2su/g)
    and then H = (2su/g)


    back to Analysis of translational slip

    Translational slip in rock slopes

    Translational slides in rock masses are dependent upon the spatial arrangement of the discontinuities within the mass and their relationship to the geometry of the slope. Two arrangements are considered:

    Plane failure
    In which slip is controlled by a single discontinuity, although others may exist as 'release surfaces'.

    Wedge failure
    In which slip occurs on two discontinuities and is governed by their line of intersection.

    The engineer needs some means of graphically representing these discontinuities, if he or she is to be able to spot potential failure mechanisms. One graphical method uses stereonets to analyse the spatial arrangement of the planar discontinuities and slope surface.

    The construction of stereonets is beyond the scope of this reference, good descriptions are available in
    Goodman, R.E., "Introduction to Rock Mechanics",
    2nd ed., Wiley, 1989, pp 417-434
    Hoek, E. and Bray, J., "Rock Slope Engineering",
    3rd ed., The Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, 1981
    Priest, S.D., "Hemispherical Projection Methods in Rock Mechanics",
    George Allen & Unwin, 1985


    back to Translational slip in rock slopes

    Plane Failure

    Plane failure occurs due to sliding along a single discontinuity. The conditions for sliding are that:

    · the strikes of both the sliding plane and the slope face lie parallel (±20°) to each other.
    · the failure plane "daylights" on the slope face.
    · the dip of the sliding plane is greater than f'.
    · the sliding mass is bound by release surfaces of negligible resistance.

    Possible plane failure is suggested by a stereonet plot, if a pole concentration lies close to the pole of the slope surface and in the shaded area corresponding to the above rules.


    back to Translational slip in rock slopes


    Wedge failure occurs due to sliding along a combination of discontinuities. The conditions for sliding require that f is overcome, and that the intersection of the discontinuities "daylights" on the slope surface.

    On the stereonet plot these conditions are indicated by the intersection of two discontinuity great circles within the shaded crescent formed by the friction angle and the slope's great circle. Note that this intersection can also be located by finding the pole P12 of the great circle which passes through the pole concentrations P1 and P2.


    back to Analysis of translational slip

    Further reading: translational

    Chandler, R.J., 1970. "A shallow slab slide in the Lias clay near Uppingham, Rutland". Geotechnique, 20¸ 253-260.

    Early, K.R. and Skempton, A.W., 1972. "The landslide at Walton's Wood, Staffordshire".Quart. J.Eng. Geol., 5, 19-41.

    Esu, F. 1966. Short-term stability of slopes in unweathered jointed clays. Geotechnique, 16, 321-328.

    Hutchinson, J.N. 1961. A landslide on a thin layer of quick clay at Furre, Central Norway. Geotechnique, 11, 69-94.

    Hutchinson, J.N. 1967. The free degradation of London clay cliffs. Proc. Geotechnical Conf. (Oslo) 1, 113-118.

    Hutchinson, J.N. 1969. "A reconsideration of the coastal landslides at Folkestone Warren, Kent" Geotechnique, 19, 6-38.

    Hutchinson, J.N. and Bhandari, R.K., 1971. "Undrained loading; a fundamental mechanism of mudflows and other mass movements", Geotechnique, 21, 353-358.

    Skempton, A.W., 1964. "Long-term stability of clay slopes", Fourth Rankine Lecture, Geotechnique, 14, 77-101.

    Skempton, A.W., 1966. "Bedding-plane slip, residual strength and the Vaiont landslide". Geotechnique, 16, 82-84.

    Skempton, A.W. and Hutchinson, J.N., 1969. "Stability of natural slopes and embankment foundations". 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg. (Mexico), State-of-the-Art Vol., 291-340.

    Skempton, A.W. and Petley, D.J., 1967. "The shear strength along structural discontinuities in stiff clays". Proc. Geot. Conf. (Oslo), 2, 29-46.

    Weeks, A.G., 1969. "The stability of natural slopes in south-east England as affected by periglacial activity", Quart. J. Eng. Geol. 2, 49-62.


    back to Slope stability

    Analysis of rotational slip

    The shear strength of the soil is a function of the normal stress s :

    t = c' + s' tan f'

    For this reason the method of analysis must take account of the changes in overburden pressure along the length of the slip circle. The procedure requires that a series of trial circles are chosen and analysed in the quest for the circle with the minimum factor of safety. Each circle is divided into vertical strips and the factor of safety is determined by considering the forces acting on each strip.

    When specifying strips, care must be exercised to avoid:
    (a) A dip angle (an) of zero magnitude, since this gives an infinite factor of safety for that slice.
    (b) A steep dip angle (an) such that negative normal forces are calculated. This case corresponds to the formation of a tension crack and checks should be performed to ensure this condition does not exist.

    See also the case studies:
  • Circular slide
  • Coastal landslide
  • Movement along geological boundary

    back to Analysis of rotational slip

    Ordinary Method of slices

    This method is also refered to as "Fellenius' Method" and the "Swedish Circle Method". Consider the geometry of the trial slip circle shown in the diagram. The slipping mass is divided into slices in the normal way and these are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc, for ease of identification. For a potential slip circle, the factor of safety against slip is given by:

    This solution tends to give a conservative value for the factor of safety, of between 5 and 20%. This can be expensive and therefore a more rigorous approach is favoured.

    an = the positive or negative dip angle of the tangent line at the centre of the slice base (unit: degrees).

    f' = angle of friction in terms of effective stress (unit: degrees).

    c' = cohesion in terms of effective stress (unit: kN/m²).

    Ln = base length of a slice (unit: m).

    run = pore pressure ratio for slice.

    Wn = vertical load due to the slice (unit: kN)


    back to Ordinary method of slices

    Derivation of Ordinary Method of slices

    The factor of safety against rotational slip is defined as the ratio of the restraining moments to the disturbing moments:

    Substituting for Sn gives,

    However, the magnitude and position of the side forces (X and E) are unknown and therefore the problem is statically indeterminate. Even so, this problem can be overcome by simply ignoring the effects of the side forces, i.e.

    Then substitute for
    xn = Rsinan and
    un = (Wn run) / (Ln cosan)
    to give the ordinary equation.


    back to Derivation of ordinary method

    Determining the shear force for each slice

    From Coulomb's equation, the shear strength mobilised along the failure surface for slice n is:

    tn = c' + (sn - un) tanf'

    or, for a unit thickness:

    tn = c' + [(Nn / Ln) - un] tanf'

    Therefore the shear force acting along the base of the slice is:

    Sn = tn .Ln
    = Ln {c' + [(Nn / Ln) - un] tanf'}

    By considering the forces acting on the slices and resolving normal to the slip surface, we can show that

    Nn = (Wn + Xn+1 - Xn) cos an - (En+1 - En) sin an


    Sn = c'Ln + (Wn .cos an - un).tanf' + [(Xn+1 - Xn).cos an - (En+1 - En).sin an].tanf'


    back to Analysis of rotational slip

    Bishop rigorous method

    Bishop derived an expression which takes account of the interslice forces and gives a more accurate solution to the idealised geometry of circular slip. The importance of such forces can be demonstrated by considering a slice directly below the center of rotation: this slice has an independent safety factor of infinity since a = 0 at that point. Bishop's solution requires that the factor of safety is constant along the complete slip circle. For a potential slip circle, the factor of safety against slip is given by:


    However, the determination of the interslice forces is labourious and therefore Bishop's simplified method is prefered.

    an = the dip angle of the tangent line at the centre of the slice base (unit: degrees).

    f' = angle of friction in terms of effective stress (unit: degrees).

    c' = cohesion in terms of effective stress (unit: kN/m²).

    Ln = base length of a slice (unit: m).

    run = pore pressure ratio for slice.

    Wn = vertical load due to the slice (unit: kN).

    Xn = vertical interslice force (unit: kN).

    un = pore pressure at base of slice (unit: kN/m²).


    back to Bishop rigorous method

    Derivation of Bishop rigorous method

    The factor of safety against rotational slip is defined as the ratio of the restraining moments to the disturbing moments:

    Substituting for Sn and xn gives the rigorous solution.


    back to Derivation of bishop rigorous method

    Determining the shear force for each slice

    From Coulomb's equation, the shear strength mobilised along the failure surface for slice n is:

    tn = c' + (sn - un) tanf'

    therefore the shear force acting along the base of a slice of unit thickness is:

    Sn = tn .Ln
    = c'.Ln + N'n .tanf'

    Resolving the forces on the slice vertically gives:

    Wn + Xn+1 - Xn = (N'n + un Ln) cos an + Sn sin an

    But this is true for Sn = c' Ln + N'n tanf' at the limiting state only. Therefore, the factor of safety is introduced into this expression for all other states (Sn / Fs) giving:

    Wn + Xn+1 - Xn = (N'n + un Ln) cos an + ((c'Ln /Fs) + (N'n /Fs) tanf' ) sin an


    and thus,


    back to Analysis of rotational slip

    Bishop simplified method

    Although the rigorous method is more "accurate" it is a time consuming process and can be easily simplified by ignoring the X terms. The errors associated with such a simplification have been shown to be small.

    The values for run vary from slice to slice but, unless zones of high pore pressure exist, an average value weighted according to area can be used throughout. Like the Ordinary Method the factor of safety calculated is conservative. The value is underestimated by about 2%, but can be as large as 7%. The nature of the equation, makes solution using a computer programme or spreadsheet desirable.


    back to Bishop simplified method

    Solving the Bishop simplified equation

    Note that an may have both positive and negative values.

    In order to solve this equation, which has Fs on both sides, the right hand value is first estimated using the Ordinary Method and then the left hand value is calculated. This new value is then used and the procedure repeated until the two values converge.

    Create a table of calculations for each slice. Note that this calculates the factor of safety for this circle, not the slope. There may be another circle or failure mechanism with a lower factor of safety.


    Solving the Bishop simplified equation

    Example of table calculations




































    Wn sinan




































    Fs = S(2) / S(1)

    n = number of the slice under consideration

    bn = the plan width of the slice

    area = bn .zn = approximated area of slice

    Wn = weight of the slice for a unit thickness, calculated by multiplying the slice area by the unit weight of the soil

    an = the dip of the slip circle at the centre of the base of the slice, most easily obtained by drawing a line from the centre of rotation to the centre of the slice at the slip circle and measuring the angle it makes with the vertical (remember its sign!)

    exp(1) = c'bn + Wn(1-run)tanf'

    exp(2) = [1+ (tanf' tan an) / Fs] / sec an


    back to Bishop simplified method

    Short term analysis for an undrained soil

    This method is commonly referred to as the "Total Stress Analysis". If we consider the case of a cohesive soil and analyse its stability in the short term, we can substitute the total stress soil parameters into the Bishop simplified equation. Such that,

    c' Þ su
    f' Þ fu = 0

    and the equation reduces to

    substituting for Ln = bn secan and sin an = xn / R, gives

    Substitute for SLn = Rq, where q is in radians. Then because the resistance to slip is constant along the slip circle, the slices are redundant and the slip can be treated as one mass (ABCD), giving

    Where W acts through the centre of gravity of the slipping mass.

    su = cohesion in terms of total stress (units: kN/m²).

    R = radius of the slip circle (unit: m).

    q = angle subtended by the slip circle (unit: radians).

    W = vertical load of the slipping mass (unit: kN).

    x = moment arm of the slipping mass (unit: m).


    Short term analysis for an undrained soil

    Locating the centre of the slip circle

    Choosing the centre for the circle can be daunting at first! In 1936, Fellenius proposed the following method for locating the centre of a circle passing through the toe of the slope:


    a1 º

    a2 º

























    For deeper circles, the centre of rotation is generally vertically above the mid-point of the slope.


    back to Analysis of rotational slip

    Tension cracks

    In undrained conditions, a tension crack may develop at the top of the slope and hence no shear strength can occur over that length. The angle q must be reduced accordingly (see diagram). Furthermore, water in the crack will supply an additional hydrostatic force, acting to reduce the factor of safety. This can be incorporated into the analysis by treating it as an additional disturbing moment,
    = Fw zw.

    The depth of the tension crack is given by:

    fu = angle of friction in terms of total stress [undrained] (unit: degrees).

    su = cohesion in terms of total stress [undrained] (unit: kN/m²).

    hc = depth of tension crack (unit: m).

    g = unit weight of soil (unit: kN/m³).

    Fw = resultant force for water pressure in tension crack acting at ²/3 depth of water (unit: kN).

    zw = moment arm of resultant force Fw (unit: m).


    Analysis of rotational slip

    Methods of analysis

    In practice, limit equilibrium methods of analysis are generally adopted, in which it is considered that failure is on the point of occurring along an assumed or a known failure surface. The shear strength required to maintain a condition of limiting equilibrium is compared with the available shear strength of the soil, giving the average factor of safety along the failure surface.

    The problem is normally considered in two dimensions, with the conditions of plane strain being assumed, but a rule of thumb states that the factor of safety in 3-D is 10% greater. This is usually ignored, giving an additional safety margin.

    The limit equilibrium method can be used in cases of undrained or drained loading, provided that the appropriate shear strength parameters are used. It is important to note that these strengths define the ultimate collapse states. In order to design safe structures or to limit ground movements, they may be reduced.

    In using the limit equilibrium method, the geometry of the assumed slip surfaces must form a mechanism that will allow collapse to occur, but since they may be of any shape, they do not necessarily meet all the conditions of compatibility. In addition, the overall conditions of equilibrium of forces on blocks within the mechanism must be satisfied although the local states of stress within the blocks are not investigated.

    For undrained loading, the ultimate strength of the soil is given by
    t = su where su is the undrained shear strength.

    For drained loading, where pore pressures can be determined from hydrostatic groundwater conditions or from a steady seepage flownet, the strength is given by:
    t = s' tan f' = (s - u) tan f'
    where f' is the appropriate angle of shearing resistance.


    Methods of analysis

    Limit equilibrium method procedure

    The steps in calculating a limit equilibrium solution are as follows:

    1. Draw an arbitrary collapse mechanism of slip surfaces. This mechanism may consist of a combination of straight lines or curves.

    2. Determine the static equilibrium of the mechanism by resolving forces or moments and hence calculate the strength mobilised in the soil.

    3. Compare the strength mobilised with the available shear strength of the soil, and hence define an average value for the factor of safety for the mechanism considered.

    4. Repeat the procedure for other mechanisms and thus find the critical mechanism which defines the minimum value for the factor of safety.


    back to Analysis of rotational slip

    Further reading: rotational

    Early, K.R. and Skempton, A.W., 1972. "The landslide at Walton's Wood, Staffordshire". Quart. J. Eng. Geol. 5, 19-41.

    Hutchinson, J.N. 1969. "A reconsideration of the coastal landslides at Folkestone Warren, Kent", Geotechnique, 19, 6-38.

    Hutchinson, J.N. and Bhandari, R.K., 1971. "Undrained loading; a fundamental mechanism of mudflows and other mass movements, Geotechnique 21, 353-358.

    Ireland, H.O., 1954. "Stability analysis of the Congress Street open cut in Chicago". Geotechnique, 4, 163-168.

    Kjaernsli, B. and Simons, N., 1962. "Stability investigations of the north bank of the Drammen River". Geotechnique, 12, 147-167.

    Sevaldson, R.A., 1956. "The slide at Lodalen". Geotechnique, 6, 167-182.

    Skempton, A.W., 1964. "Long-term stability of clay slopes", Fourth Rankine Lecture. Geotechnique, 14, 77-101.

    Skempton, A.W. and Brown, J.D., 1961. "A landslide in boulder clay at Selset, Yorkshire", Geotechnique, 11, 280-293.

    Skempton, A.W. and Golder, H.Q., 1948. "Practical examples of the f = 0 analysis of the Stability of clays". Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mechs (Rotterdam),2, 63-70.

    Skempton, A.W. and Hutchinson, J.N., 1969, "Stability of natural slopes and embankment foundations". 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg. (Mexico), State-of-the-Art Vol., 291-340.

    Skempton, A.W. and La Rochelle, P., 1965. "The Bradwell slip, a short term failure in London Clay". Geotechnique, 15. 221-242.