Product | Licence | Price | Supply |
TLTP GeotechniCAL CD-ROM including LabSim v2.0 | UK Higher Education Institution TLTP Site Licence | 20 pounds plus 2 pounds post and packing | Send cheque with order to the address below (£100 minimum for invoices) |
LabSim v2.0 | Any User Site Licence | Free | Download from here |
The amounts shown above are for payment with order. There is a minimum charge of £100 for invoices against purchase orders. Cheques should be payable to University of the West of England. Please enclose your full postal and email address, to:
Dr Les Davison, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Bristol BS16 1QY.
By ordering the passwords, you agree to the terms and conditions of the relevant licence agreement.