Use this simulation to examine the forces on an embedded retaining wall.
Remember that the natural laws of equlibrium require the the forces
acting on the wall balance.
Before excavation begins, the pressure is equal on both sides of the wall.
= K0
Here K0 is taken to be (1-sinf) ÖRo Where Ro = the over consolidation ration (i.e. the current vertical
stress / maximum previous vertical stress)
If f
=30° and Ro = 1 then K0 = (1-sin30) Ö1
= 0.5 Unit weight of soil = 18 kN/m3 sh'
@ 10m depth = K * unit weight * depth = 0.5 * 18 * 10
= 90 kPa Force on wall = ½
max pressure * depth = ½ 90 * 10 = 450kN per m length
of wall
Propped wall ~ (set tie
strength to 100kN or more)
Excavating on one side reduces the pressure on that side causing the wall
to move.
If there is a ground anchor or prop preventing rotation at one position
then the movement will be a rotation.
Balance is reestablished because K decreases on one side (wall moves
away & soil expands), and increases on the other (soil is compresses).
Failure occurs when K reaches the limiting values
Ka = (1-sinf) / (1+sinf)
= (1- 0.5) / (1+ 0.5) = 0.333 if f=30°
Kp = (1+sinf) / (1-sinf)
= (1+ 0.5) / (1- 0.5) = 3 if f=30°
wall ~ (set tie strength to 0)
Wall tends to rotate about the base
This results in two forces which may be equal but
not in line
Rotational equilibrium is not satisfied
Wall actually rotates about a point above the base
"kick back" below point of rotation creates 3rd force
Horizontal & rotational equilibrium are now satisfied.