Back to Compression and shear Based on part of the GeotechniCAL reference package
by Prof. John Atkinson, City University, London

Basic mechanics of soils

Loads from foundations and walls apply stresses in the ground. Settlements are caused by strains in the ground. To analyse the conditions within a material under loading, we must consider the stress-strain behaviour. The relationship between a strain and stress is termed stiffness. The maximum value of stress that may be sustained is termed strength.


Analysis of stress and strain

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Stresses and strains occur in all directions and to do settlement and stability analyses it is often necessary to relate the stresses in a particular direction to those in other directions.
normal stress
s = Fn / A

shear stress
t = Fs / A

normal strain
e = dz / zo

shear strain
g = dh / zo

Note that compressive stresses and strains are positive, counter-clockwise shear stress and strain are positive, and that these are total stresses (see effective stress).


Special stress and strain states

Analysis of stress and strain
In general, the stresses and strains in the three dimensions will all be different.

There are three special cases which are important in ground engineering:

General case

princpal stresses
Axially symmetric or triaxial states
Stresses and strains in two dorections are equal.
s'x = s'y and ex = ey
Relevant to conditions near relatively small foundations, piles, anchors and other concentrated loads.
Plane strain:
Strain in one direction = 0
ey = 0
Relevant to conditions near long foundations, embankments, retaining walls and other long structures.
One-dimensional compression:
Strain in two directions = 0
ex = ey = 0

Relevant to conditions below wide foundations or relatively thin compressible soil layers.

Uniaxial compression
s'x = s'y = 0
This is an artifical case which is only possible for soil is there are negative pore water pressures.


Mohr circle construction

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Values of normal stress and shear stress must relate to a particular plane within an element of soil. In general, the stresses on another plane will be different.

To visualise the stresses on all the possible planes, a graph called the Mohr circle is drawn by plotting a (normal stress, shear stress) point for a plane at every possible angle.

There are special planes on which the shear stress is zero (i.e. the circle crosses the normal stress axis), and the state of stress (i.e. the circle) can be described by the normal stresses acting on these planes; these are called the principal stresses s'1 and s'3 .


Parameters for stress and strain

Analysis of stress and strain
In common soil tests, cylindrical samples are used in which the axial and radial stresses and strains are principal stresses and strains. For analysis of test data, and to develop soil mechanics theories, it is usual to combine these into mean (or normal) components which influence volume changes, and deviator (or shearing) components which influence shape changes.




p' = (s'a + 2s'r) / 3
s' =  s'a + s'r) / 2

ev = DV/V = (ea + 2er)
en = (ea + er)


q' = (s'a - s'r)
t' =  (s'a - s'r) / 2

es = 2 (ea - er) / 3
eg = (ea - er)

In the Mohr circle construction t' is the radius of the circle and s' defines its centre.

Note: Total and effective stresses are related to pore pressure u:
p' = p - u
s' = s - u
q' = q
t' = t




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The shear strength of a material is most simply described as the maximum shear stress it can sustain: When the shear stress t is increased, the shear strain g increases; there will be a limiting condition at which the shear strain becomes very large and the material fails; the shear stress tf is then the shear strength of the material. The simple type of failure shown here is associated with ductile or plastic materials. If the material is brittle (like a piece of chalk), the failure may be sudden and catastrophic with loss of strength after failure.

Types of failure

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Materials can ‘fail’ under different loading conditions. In each case, however, failure is associated with the limiting radius of the Mohr circle, i.e. the maximum shear stress. The following common examples are shown in terms of total stresses:

Shear strength = tf
snf = normal stress at failure

Uniaxial extension
Tensile strength stf = 2tf

Uniaxial compression
Compressive strength scf = 2tf

Water has no strength tf = 0.
Hence vertical and horizontal stresses are equal and the Mohr circle becomes a point.


Strength criteria

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A strength criterion is a formula which relates the strength of a material to some other parameters: these are material parameters and may include other stresses.

For soils there are three important strength criteria: the correct criterion depends on the nature of the soil and on whether the loading is drained or undrained.

In General, course grained soils will "drain" very quickly (in engineering terms) following loading. Thefore development of excess pore pressure will not occur; volume change associated with increments of effective stress will control the behaviour and the Mohr-Coulomb criteria will be valid.

Fine grained saturated soils will respond to loading initially by generating excess pore water pressures and remaining at constant volume. At this stage the Tresca criteria, which uses total stress to represent undrained behaviour, should be used. This is the short term or immediate loading response. Once the pore pressure has dissapated, after a certain time, the effective stresses have incresed and the Mohr-Coulomb criterion will describe the strength mobilised. This is the long term loading response.


Tresca criterion

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The strength is independent of the normal stress  since the response to loading simple increases the pore water pressure and not the effective stress.

The shear strength tf is a material parameter which is known as the undrained shear strength su.

tf = (sa - sr) = constant


Mohr-Coulomb (c'=0) criterion

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The strength increases linearly with increasing normal stress and is zero when the normal stress is zero.
t'f = s'n tanf'
f' is the angle of friction

In the Mohr-Coulomb criterion the material parameter is the angle of friction f and materials which meet this criterion are known as frictional. In soils, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion applies when the normal stress is an effective normal stress.

>Mohr-Coulomb (c'>0) criterion

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The strength increases linearly with increasing normal stress and is positive when the normal stress is zero.
t'f = c' + s'n tanf'
f' is the angle of friction
c' is the 'cohesion' intercept

In soils, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion applies when the normal stress is an effective normal stress. In soils, the cohesion in the effective stress Mohr-Coulomb criterion is not the same as the cohesion (or undrained strength su) in the Tresca criterion.

Typical values of shear strength

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Undrained shear strengthsu (kPa)
Hard soilsu > 150 kPa
Stiff soilsu = 75 ~ 150 kPa
Firm soilsu = 40 ~ 75 kPa
Soft soilsu = 20 ~ 40kPa
Very soft soilsu < 20 kPa
Drained shear strength (kPa)f´ (deg)
Compact sands035° - 45°
Loose sands030° - 35°
Unweathered overconsolidated clay
critical state018° ~ 25°
peak state10 ~ 25 kPa20° ~ 28°
residual0 ~ 5 kPa8° ~ 15°

Often the value of c' deduced from laboratory test results (in the shear testing apperatus) may appear to indicate some shar strength at s' = 0. i.e. the particles 'cohereing' together or are 'cemented' in some way. Often this is due to fitting a c', f' line to the experimental data and an 'apparent' cohesion may be deduced due to suction or dilatancy.






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As stresses are increased or decreased a material body will tend to change size and shape as strains occur: stiffness is the relationship between changes of stress and changes of strain.

The stiffness E' is the gradient of the stress-strain curve. Stiffnesses may be described by

a tangent modulus E'tan = ds' / de

or by a secant modulus E'sec = Ds' / De

Note: If the material is linearly elastic the stress-strain curve is a straight line and E'tan = E'sec.

Change of size: bulk modulus

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As the mean stress increases materials compress (reduce in volume). The bulk modulus K' relates the change in stress to the volumetric strain.

In soils volumetric strains are due to changes of effective stress.
In triaxial tests K' = dp' / dev

Change of shape: shear modulus

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As the shear stress increases materials distort (change shape). The shear modulus G' relates the change in shear stress to the shear strain.

In triaxial tests G' = ¹/3 (dq' / des)

Uniaxial loading: Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio

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Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are measured directly in uniaxial compression or extension tests, i.e. tests with constant (or zero) residual stress.

Young's modulus

Poisson's ratio
n' = - der / dea

If the material is incompressible so ev = 0 Poisson’s ratio is n = 0.5.

Typical values of E

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Typical E range(MPa)
Unweathered overconsolidated clays20 ~ 50 MPa
Boulder clay10 ~ 20
Keuper Marl (unweathered)>150 MPa
Keuper Marl (moderately weathered)30 ~ 150 MPa
Weathered overconsolidated clays3 ~ 10 MPa
Organic alluvial clays and peats0.1 ~ 0.6 MPa
Normally consolidated clays0.2 ~ 4 MPa
Steel205 MPa
Concrete30 MPa

Relationships between stiffness moduli

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In bodies of elastic material the three stiffness moduli (E', K' and G') are related to each other and to Poisson’s ratio (n'). It assumed that the material is elastic and isotropic (i.e. linear stiffness is equal in all directions). The following relationships can be demonstrated (for proofs refer to a text on the strength of materials).

G' = E' / 2(1 + n')

K' = E' / 3(1 - 2n')

Material behaviour

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The stress-strain curve has features which are characteristic of different aspects of material behaviour and which are represented by different theories.

OA: linear and recoverable
ABC: non-linear and irrecoverable
BCD: recoverable with hysterisis
DE: continuous shearing
The three basic theories which are relevant to soil behaviour are: elasticity, plasticity and creep. In addition, the theories of elasticity and plasticity are combined into elasto-plasticity. If strains are zero the behaviour is rigid.

Elasticity Back to Material behaviour
Forward to Perfect plasticity
In linear-elastic behaviour the stress-strain is a straight line and strains are fully recovered on unloading, i.e. there is no hysterisis. The elastic parameters are the gradients of the appropriate stress-strain curves and are constant.
Shear modulus G' = dt' / dg

Bulk modulus K' = dp’ / dev


Young’s modulus E' = ds'a / dea (where ds'r = 0)

Poisson’s ratio n' = - der / dea (where ds'r = 0)

Perfect plasticity Back to Material behaviour
Forward to Elasto-plasticity

    OA - rigid

    AB - plastic

    During perfectly plastic straining, plastic strains continue indefinitely at constant stress. The ratio of plastic strains is related to the yield stress

    Yield Back to Perfect plasticity
    Yield stress is the stress at the end of elastic behaviour (in a perfectly plastic material this is the same as the failure stress).

    In a 2-dimensional stress system the combination of yield stresses forms a yield curve.

    Normality Back to Perfect plasticity

    The relationship between the ratio of plastic strains is such that the plastic strain vector is normal to the yield curve.

    Normality is also known as associated flow.

    Elasto-plasticity Back to Material behaviour

    There are simultaneous elastic and plastic strains and the plastic strains cause the yield stress to change. There are two cases:
    Strain hardening

    The plastic strain dep causes an increase in the yield stress.
    The hardening law is ds'y / dep

    Soils with loosely packed grains are strain hardening because the disturbance during sharing causes the grains to move closer together.

    Strain softening

    The plastic strain dep causes a decrease in the yield stress.

    Soils with densly packed grains are strain softening because disturbance during sharing causes the grains to move apart.


    Produced by Dr. Leslie Davison, University of the West of England, Bristol, May 2000
    in association with Prof. Sarah Springman, Swiss Federal Technical Institute, Zurich