Drainage and volume change

Solid soil grains are very stiff: their volume change under load can be ignored. Water or air can be squeezed out of soil under load. The loss of water from the soil is called drainage. The grains are rearranged and the volume of voids reduced.

Volume compressibility under load

Drainage and volume change
Consider a volume (V) of soil in equilibrium under a constant total stress:
Initially the total stress is so and the pore pressure is uo:
effective stress = s´o = so - uo,
Immediately after loading the total stress is increased by Ds:
There is no volume change and so Ds´ = 0
However, Ds´ = Ds - Du = 0
Hence, Du = Ds

Some time after loading drainage will have occurred:
A volume of water flows out of the soil (DVw)
The pore pressure increase (Du) is dissipated
Eventually Du = 0 again and the volume of the soil has decreased by DV

Finally then:
The effective stress has increased by Ds
The volume has decreased by DV

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Drainage and volume change

Drainage under load

If drainage cannot take place when a soil is loaded the volume cannot change.

In the oedometer test porous stones are placed above and below the sample, so that drainage is two-way: upward and downward.

Under a concrete foundation drainage may only take place downward.

In an embankment layers of sand can be placed to speed up drainage and thus changes in volume.

The installation of vertical sand drains, called sandwicks, can further speed up volume change in embankments by allowing horizontal radial drainage.

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Permeability and time

Drainage and volume change
The rate of drainage of water from soil depends on the permeability. Volume change under load takes place quickly in sands and gravels, and very slowly in clays. Seepage is driven by the excess pore pressure and as this is dissipated the rate of seepage slows down. Thus, the rate of volume change is fast to begin with, but slows down with time.

The volume-change/time curve is exponential. A simple approximate rule is: "half the total volume change occurs in one-tenth of the total time".


Volume change under constant effective stress

Drainage and volume change
In saturated soil volume changes can only occur as drainage occurs and as effective stresses change. In unsaturated soils volume change is due to changes in water and air volume; both of which can change without change in effective stress.
Compaction, in which air is expelled, can occur due to vibration (e.g. from traffic, machinery, piling, etc..); also, loosely-placed fill can compact under its own weight.
Shrinking and swelling can occur in some clays near the surface due to climatic changes (shrinking in summer, swelling in winter).
Creep occurs in some clay soils due to gradual changes in fabric.




Drained and undrained loading

The relative rates of the increase of total stress and drainage are of critical importance in determining soil behaviour and predicting future conditions and changes.

If the rate of drainage is quicker than the rate of loading, effective stress and volume changes occur quickly - these are called drained loading conditions. In drained loading the pore pressures are always in equilibrium - if construction stops the pore pressures will remain constant and there are no more volume changes.

If the rate of drainage is slower than the rate of loading, the pore pressure increases and the effective stress and volume remain unchanged - these are undrained loading conditions. In undrained loading of saturated soil there is no volume change - if construction stops the excess pore pressures dissipate, consolidation occurs then the volume changes.


Drained loading conditions

Drained and undrained loading
Under fully drained conditions the pore pressure does not change,
Du = 0 and
Ds´ = Ds

Thus, volume decrease will follow loading increase, i.e. increase in total stress.

Drained loading conditions may be assumed to occur when either the soil has a high permeability (e.g. in sands and gravels), or the loading rate is slow (e.g. natural erosion).

Transient conditions (0 < Du < Ds) are complex; in design it is necessary to assume either fully drained or undrained conditions.



Undrained loading conditions

Drained and undrained loading
Under undrained conditions there can be no volume change, since water cannot escape.

From a practical point of view undrained loading occurs: in a laboratory test (e.g. triaxial) when drainage is prevented; and in field situations where loading changes occur quickly on soils of low permeability.

In a saturated soil, the increase in total stress produces an equal increase in pore pressure:
Du = Ds and
u = uo + Du
As drainage occurs, u decreases and so does the volume.
At an elapsed time t:
ut = uo + Dut,
Ds´t = Ds - Dut and
Vt = Vo - DVt
Eventually, when all of the excess pore pressure has dissipated, equilibrium is regained and steady-state pore pressure conditions prevail:
Du = 0,
u = uo and
s´ = s´o + Ds




Drained and undrained loading
The dissipation of excess pore pressure, accompanied by volume change is called consolidation. Usually (but not always) the total stress remains constant (e.g. under a foundation) and the pore pressure and volume slowly change. The rate of consolidation (volume change with seepage) is dependent on the permeability of the soil and the size of the consolidating layer.

Transient undrained conditions prevail during consolidation, but eventually, when all of the excess pore pressure has been dissipated, conditions are the same as those for drained loading.

Swelling will occur during unloading as water is sucked back into the soil.

Rates of loading and seepage

Drained and undrained loading
In any geotechnical calculation (analysis or design) it is important to distinguish between drained and undrained loading - soils behave quite differently in the two sets of conditions. In making this distinction it is the relative rates of loading and seepage that must be considered.

Seepage rates depend on the coefficient of permeability which is related mainly to grain size: For design purposes it is common to assume quick seepage in coarse soils and slow seepage in fine soils.
soil type coeff. of permeability (k) seepage rate
gravel > 10-2very quick
sand 10-2 ~ 10-5quick
silt 10-5 ~ 10-8slow
clay < 10-8very slow

Different rates of loading arise from different natural events or construction operations. Very rapid loading rates may occur in earthquakes, due to piling and due to wave action.
Shock wave - piling< 1 s
Shock wave - earthquake1 - 2s
Wave breaking against wall5 - 10s
Trench excavation1 - 3hours
Small building foundation5 - 20days
Large excavation or building1 - 6months
Construction of dam or embankment1 - 3years
Filling of reservoir2 - 5years
Natural erosion > 50years